22 January 2009

a minor victory...

The girls can see again. We've been intending to go get bang trims for a couple weeks now. Today I talked Sissy into letting me trim them here at home, with the promise that we would immediately go to the store and buy suckers (suckers being the highlight of going and getting it done). After doing a terrible but functional job on Sissy, I chased Boo and did hers. Boo's turned out not quite so silly looking. So I saved $15 ($18 would have been spent at the haircut place, but add a little for the suckers).

We did indeed go get suckers, huzzah that the grocery store had dumdums in the bulk candy section so I could pick out the preferred flavors. After the grocery store, we went to the VF Outlet and wandered in search of things to get Daddy for his birthday Sunday. Wound up with some knickknacks and a t-shirt for him. It'll do. We also got this goofy but adorable book called "The Ugly Truckling"- a revamped ugly ducking where trucks are alive and talk and the ugly trucking turns out to be an airplane.
The real highlight of my day is noticing that pitchers and catchers report in 3 weeks! Here comes baseball season, hooray! I've been keeping an eye on the Varitek story though- It'll seem very strange if he goes to another team.

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