26 February 2010


I have a new phone!
Well, technically, it's an old phone but it's new to me! Father got himself infatuated with the Droid Eris a couple weeks ago, so he went out and bought one. Unlocked, for to stay on his current plan. That was about $500.
Clearly, father has too much money.
As he was raving about the specs of the Eris, sounding more and more like he would indeed be getting it, I told him if he did get it, I wanted his current phone, an EnV Touch.
FedEx left it at my door yesterday.
photo borrowed with thanks from here
I must hand it to Verizon- they make it quite easy to swap phones online. Much easier than I remember it being with Sprint, who I was with for 9+ years. Enter the ESN, wait about 5 minutes, and poof! Good to go.

Putting all my ringtones on the new phone was a joy, as always. Save everything onto hubby's SD card, then send them all to myself attached to a picture message, then save them all as ringtones on my phone. Actually, that is easy when doing 1 or 2. I was doing 15.
At least this time I didn't make hubby help. I've done that before when he's at work and I'm at home playing with sound editing software. He gets tired of it quickly.

Now I have to decide if I want to keep my Voyager around as a backup or offer to sell it to a guy at work who's son has broken 2 yes TWO Voyagers in the past year. His first one was replaced under warranty, the second was out of warranty so he's back on an older phone for now, until he's due for an upgrade in about a year.
I am also impatiently waiting on screen protector and case to arrive. Can't believe father didn't have a screen protector on the thing, especially since he left the factory protector thing on the inside screen.

20 February 2010

friggin cheapskate kids

So my children were downstairs playing. Suddenly they came running up, saying "oh here's the store, let's get some fruitsnacks." They opened the pantry and stared longingly up at the fruitsnacks (on the top shelf, for what should be obvious reasons). Then they came to me, sitting on the couch reading. "We want fruitsnacks! We want to get some fruitsnacks!" I made them each ask nicely (adorable from the 2year old), and went into the kitchen. As I was getting down the fruitsnacks, I asked "How are you going to pay for these?" and the 4yo instantly answered "well, this is back to being our house now, not a store."