01 January 2009


Yeehaw. I live such an exciting life. I've had like 3 glasses of Cold Duck now (I'm not that fond of normal champagne) so the world is a smidge off kilter. Typing's pretty lousy too, but that may just be enhanced by lack of sleep.
My father arrived for a visit today. First stop was the model home for where we're building to get the 'magic key' and go wander thru an almost done inventory home that is the same model as ours. I think he approved. He sure took alot of pictures, but he's been doing that alot recently, what with the 10 days in France and all. After the house tour, we went to the grocery store for some supplies (lunch stuff for hubby, sparkling grape juice as a gift for my night shift folks at work, the Cold Duck, etc...) then out to my mom's house to get the girls. Mom just got one of those mini-laptops for Christmas, and Dad's on his second one of them, so he was explaining features and tweaking some settings for her. At least my parents are still on good terms.
I have NO idea what we're doing later today after sleep. Poor hubby's going to have to watch the girls a little once he gets home, I bet they get up WAY before I am willing to roll out of bed. I did promise to make french toast in the morning, since the doughnut store was closed when we stopped by on the way home tonight (drat those holiday hours!!). I hope everybody's good with the idea of brunch cause that's what time it will be.
My dear Tribe picked up Mark Derosa (DeRosa?) from the Cubbies to play 3rd base. That should be a good thing. At least they know not to mess with Jhonny and Asdrubal, and I'm sure Victor will get plenty of time at 1st to try and stay more healthy this season. Now they have this MLBtv channel, but our dumb provider hasn't picked it up yet. Only those jerks at TimeWarner have it so far. Once I can type without the backspace again I should complain to WOW!.
urgh. I'm fading fast now. Goodnight, and a Happy New Year!

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