01 January 2010


Sorry, that was the subject on a mass email at work and it made me laugh.
It continues to snow, and be kinda cold. That's not much fun. I suspect there is ice under the snow on the streets, which means when I give in and take the dog out it will require much effort to not fall down. This will be a slightly different type of not fall down effort than last night, which was caused by one big glass of wine. Wine made from Concord grapes. I'll not be buying it again. My brain had a hard time with tasting grape juice & getting sloshed at the same time. Kinda like I used to be with all yogurt (now I can eat the whipped ones or the mix-stuff-in ones). There's sweet taste but a something underneath that just isn't right.

My father (who eventually made it home to his place in Texas late Monday night)(yea, only 4 days after he left France) texted at 12:42 talking about how he'd been playing Wii at his friend's place. Glad someone was having fun. I drank, and I read more of Under the Dome (that there new Stephen King book). Yee haw. Such an exciting life I lead. And I am so just rambling right now, aren't I? I should stop. Munchkin (with her hair cut!!! It's a little past her shoulders now) has claimed my recliner again, but has not turned on the massaging stuff yet. Oh, she's drawing patterns in the plush with her toes.
sigh. Happy New Year to all.

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