30 March 2009


Alot has happened since I've bothered to post.
Our house is nearly done framing, roof should go on this week, weather permitting. We're a little concerned because one transom window is not framed in, and our shower in the master bath looks like they've framed it for the small version when we requested the larger one. Saleslady promises that will be fixed, she says they can't pass inspections to go to the next step unless everything matches the plans. But we're keeping our eyes on it.
Sissy is catching on to the potty training thing. She did not have any accidents today, made it to the potty each time she needed to pee. To our delight, Boo is trying it out as well. She still isn't comfortable sitting bare-tush on the potty, but a couple days ago she ran down the hall, sat on the little potty with pants still on, and a moment later announced "my peepees come out! my peepees come out!". So my 42 and 23 month old daughters may well potty train at the exact same time. It'll be nice to not buy diapers anymore... Sissy has been wearing pull-ups at night and at naptime, but when she's awake we've had her in training pants (the kind with a vinyl outside)(and I somehow melted one in the dryer, luckily it peeled right off). We've told her if she makes it a couple more days doing as good as today, she can start wearing her 'real' panties- Dora and Curious George and pretty flowers.

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