As usual. We have a hole! We have stacks of cinder blocks! Soon (sooner if it would quit raining!) we might have a basement!
I'm sort of looking forward to this week at work. Sunday I'm pulling a double (which I have not yet informed the husband about... dreading that), but Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday I'm in a training class. The major highlight to this is sleeping in by at least an hour each day.
But before that fun starts, tomorrow we attend a birthday party for my friends middle child. He will be 5. I know Sissy's fast approaching 4, and Boo's even closer to 2, but I can't believe he will be 5. Where has the time gone? When he was born, hubby had just moved up to Ohio the month before, my friend still worked with me and made the job so much more entertaining... now we have sporadic phone calls. More during the spring, as 3 of the combined 5 children have birthdays close together. (Our youngests are 355 days apart, so we have to coordinate the parties carefully.)
I didn't get much done yesterday. Perhaps my body is trying to pick up whatever garbage has already attacked the girls and hubby. I just felt 'off'. I'm better today, to hubby's surprise I got out of bed and immediately put a load of laundry in the washer. I have a 2nd in now. I also got a teeny bit creative and put dried blueberries in the 'add water and shake' bottle of pancake mix so the girls had blueberry waffles for breakfast, which they enjoyed.
I'm also somewhat more pleasant because I finally figured out how to get different ringers on my phone without buying them from the carrier. It's not a pretty process- I use wavepad to edit a song down to manageable size, put that on hubby's microSD card, and send the file to myself as an attachment on a text message. I'm not going to complain too much, as it is TOTALLY FREE, but it is a bit of a pain to go through all that.
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