13 February 2009


I had a rough day.
Dunno what happened. The whole first part of the day (up to naptime) I just couldn't cope with my children. Sissy ate great all day, just like she's been doing for the past several days, but had continuous potty problems. Boo just wouldn't eat. She kept tossing food onto the floor or over to Sissy and kept messing with the placemats. I didn't start feeling like myself until they were supposedly napping and I was downstairs putting laundry in and jogging. Just before lunch, I was so stressed I seriously debated calling my mother to rescue me.
Got an update on the house last night, our saleslady emailed to say she had noticed there was no hole on our lot (gee, really?) and had asked the construction dude about it. They (the two of them on behalf of the company) apologize for the delay but blame the backlog on the funky winter we've had. They also really really hope we'll dig today (Friday). Hubby and I aren't so worried now, with the new stimulus plan nearly passed. That takes away the July 1 cutoff for the homebuyer credit, which was our deadline.
My new cell phones have arrived at and then departed the facility in a nearby suburb, so I'm rather curious as to where they are headed now. I thought the next step in the tracking would be 'on vehicle for delivery'. They are in town, so they better be here tomorrow. I spent a good chunk of the morning (while trying to feel normal so I could cope with my kids) browsing eBay for cases, and found one I really liked. Bought it, paid for it, and the seller contacted me that as she (he?) was packing it, noticed it broken. Last one she (he?) had in stock. Refund or choose another? I went refund, and was somewhat glad I had also bought a 2 pack of silicone cases in addition to the one hard case. Bummer though, it was a pretty case. White with some blue butterflies- almost like a china pattern. Very much the simple but elegant style I tend to favor in all my accessories.
I did good tonight after hubby left for work- not only did I get my lazy arse back downstairs to get the laundry out of the dryer and switch over what was in the washer, I put the dry stuff away and washed the sinkfull of dishes. Yay me.

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