Gah. I am broke for the next two weeks. Payday was today, and while I have not quite $600 coming into my account, I have bills due totaling $500 (and that's just the ones I remember!) due before the next payday. Sadly, I also very much want some new winter boots (waterproof, easy on/off, for use at work and when walking the dog). We did a family outing to the shoe store yesterday so I could look for some, and I did find some shoes that would suit my purposes but they did not have them in my size. We did not leave emptyhanded (or footed, actually, as the girls both left the store wearing the new boots they each got. Our bag contained the shoes they had worn into the store and 2 sets of Hello Kitty socks for Boo).
Today is a miserable dreary day. I can hear airplanes flying overhead but cannot see them at all. We are only 5 miles from the end of the runway, so normally we get an excellent view of all aircraft whether they are going in for landing or heading out. (We both work for an airline, and somehow both still enjoy the magic thousands of pounds of thrust can work to send a metal tube hurtling through the sky.)
Yesterday I managed to get the girls' clothing through the washer and dryer, but simply dumped it all out of the dryer into a basket. I hate folding their clothes. It's numbing and awkward and takes forever. I don't mind doing the grownup clothes at all, and got all of our jeans washed (put away while the girls ate breakfast). It would be wise of me to wash the towels too, but the motivation just isn't there.
Late last night when walking the dog I noticed flickering light in the house next to us (which is not completed, scheduled for the lovely couple and their infant son to move in by the end of next month). I stood outside in the drizzle for a while watching, decided it was indeed firelight I was seeing, and debated going through the mud to see why there was fire and was it contained. I went back inside, washed the dishes, fed the pets, and decided I really needed to check on the flames. So I put on my ultra-muddy tennis shoes (muddy from checking out 3rd house down's terrible furnace location last weekend) and clambered through the mud up to the front window. I discovered a gas-fed space heater type device sitting smack in the middle of the living room. Having satisfied myself that their house (and ours) would not burn down during the night, I slid back down the mudpile to my grass and noticed my feet felt like they had 5 extra pounds each. So then I spent 10 minutes (in the rain, by now) trying to scrape most of the mud off.
Yeah. I had a fun evening. I kept thinking there was something else I had meant to get done before going to bed and thought of it as I pulled back the blanket to climb in- I meant to change the sheets to a flannel set. Darling husband helped with that this morning while I emptied the dishwasher.
I need to go do something fun. All this dutiful housewife stuff is smothering me.