Here I am, getting home at 1am. I can't type for shit right now, which is kind of fun but also very annoying as I am picky about spelling and grammar. Thank you, mother the english major.
We had girls' (Mommy's) night out, and it was FUN. 7 ladies, all but 1 is actually a mother. We started at a bar near my mother's house, which I drive past at least twice a week and was only in once 10 years ago when I needed a pay phone because my truck broke down in the intersection. That was a nice place. Had a guy doing live music that we decided was country-flavored rock, but it was OK. Cheap food and beer. That was great. I had 3 draft Killian's and a "Santa Fe Chicken Sub" with fries instead of chips for $16.50. Can't beat that. Then we went to some strange place in another suburb (4 of the 7 were close to home then, and 2 hubbys joined us) where there was VERY loud music and a wider selection on tap but higher prices. I had a Bass draft ($6!!!!!!!!) and 2 bottles of MGD ($2.50 each, decent price)(and wonderful Bean bought one of them for me, I owe her but she wouldn't take my 5 as I was leaving) and embarrassed myself attempting to dance to a couple songs. My ears are still ringing. The radio wouldn't cooperate on the way home (meaning: no songs I wanted to sing along to) so I fumbled for a CD once I hit the part of the freeway that actually had lights. Made it home in one piece, everyone is asleep (yay!), and found an email from our saleslady that it's time to schedule our builder conference!!! YAY!!! WE GET A HOUSE!!!
OK, time to pee and sleep.
31 January 2009
28 January 2009
another fun filled day...
We were under a Winter Storm Warning from Monday evening through noon today. Tuesday brought us 3 inches of snow, then a couple hours of sleet in the late evening, followed by rain. All night it rained. I scraped nearly an inch off the car this morning. Sissy and I went splat in the driveway (she's fine, I bled from my knuckles). At daybreak, the rain switched to snow, and we got a good 4 or 5 inches to cover the ice. Luckily, the snow stopped in the early afternoon so the drive home wasn't too bad. Actually, it was kind of nice because so many people had stayed home!
I just realized my next paycheck will be very nice... because of the Chicago training class, I got 46 hours for last week (all straight time, but hey, it's an extra 6 hours) and then I picked up a shift Saturday so this week is 48 hours, 8 of which was time and a half. So that's..... 98 hours pay. Sweet!
I really hope the roads clear up tomorrow and Friday, and that we don't get the 1-2 inches of snow forecast for Friday. It's supposed to be Mommy's night- at least 5 gals going out (one doesn't have kids, but her husband's goofy enough we'll include her in the title).
I just realized my next paycheck will be very nice... because of the Chicago training class, I got 46 hours for last week (all straight time, but hey, it's an extra 6 hours) and then I picked up a shift Saturday so this week is 48 hours, 8 of which was time and a half. So that's..... 98 hours pay. Sweet!
I really hope the roads clear up tomorrow and Friday, and that we don't get the 1-2 inches of snow forecast for Friday. It's supposed to be Mommy's night- at least 5 gals going out (one doesn't have kids, but her husband's goofy enough we'll include her in the title).
22 January 2009
a minor victory...
The girls can see again. We've been intending to go get bang trims for a couple weeks now. Today I talked Sissy into letting me trim them here at home, with the promise that we would immediately go to the store and buy suckers (suckers being the highlight of going and getting it done). After doing a terrible but functional job on Sissy,
I chased Boo and did hers. Boo's turned out not quite so silly looking.
So I saved $15 ($18 would have been spent at the haircut place, but add a little for the suckers).
We did indeed go get suckers, huzzah that the grocery store had dumdums in the bulk candy section so I could pick out the preferred flavors. After the grocery store, we went to the VF Outlet and wandered in search of things to get Daddy for his birthday Sunday. Wound up with some knickknacks and a t-shirt for him. It'll do. We also got this goofy but adorable book called "The Ugly Truckling"- a revamped ugly ducking where trucks are alive and talk and the ugly trucking turns out to be an airplane.
The real highlight of my day is noticing that pitchers and catchers report in 3 weeks! Here comes baseball season, hooray! I've been keeping an eye on the Varitek story though- It'll seem very strange if he goes to another team.
We did indeed go get suckers, huzzah that the grocery store had dumdums in the bulk candy section so I could pick out the preferred flavors. After the grocery store, we went to the VF Outlet and wandered in search of things to get Daddy for his birthday Sunday. Wound up with some knickknacks and a t-shirt for him. It'll do. We also got this goofy but adorable book called "The Ugly Truckling"- a revamped ugly ducking where trucks are alive and talk and the ugly trucking turns out to be an airplane.
The real highlight of my day is noticing that pitchers and catchers report in 3 weeks! Here comes baseball season, hooray! I've been keeping an eye on the Varitek story though- It'll seem very strange if he goes to another team.
21 January 2009
oh the joy
of working for an airline.
I was up at 4am today, my mother came over at 4:45 so I could be out the door by 5 so I could be on a 6:15 flight to Chicago. It was a beautiful sunrise as viewed from where concourses H & K split apart, especially while holding a steaming mocha from Dunkin. Bliss.
I had to attend a class entitled "Safety Starts With Me". It was bad, but not quite as bad as I expected. I was sitting with some entertaining guys, 2 from Chicago and one from Ft Wayne. We were way in the back and had ample opportunities to crack jokes as well as discuss events important to our bases or how events at one impacted another. The instructors (3 of them!) kept handing out little slips as a reward for participation. At the end of the class, you put your name/initials on each of your slips, then there was a drawing and 4 slips were chosen. Last one drawn was me, I got a $10 gift card to Sears. Yeehaw. I is so excited I can hardly stand it. (The 3rd one got a small fire extinguisher, so it was a darned good thing he was a local- wouldn't be able to fly that home!)
I had another hour to wander in the afternoon before my flight back to Ohio.
17 January 2009
He's got holes in his mouth!
Sissy is fascinated- Daddy let slip something about he couldn't eat what we were having for dinner last night because of the holes in his mouth. We didn't give her a flashlight and tell him to say 'AHHHHH' but I bet she would have enjoyed that.
He's doing great. He hasn't even been complaining, which I somewhat expected. When they first brought me back to the recovery room, just after he woke up, that was a little scary- he was very disoriented, and turns out one of the drugs in the IV is an amnesiac, so he asked the same questions over and over and over. By the time we were leaving the drug store from getting another antibiotic (one tooth was infected), he was himself but also super tired. So we went home, fixed him some noodles and shoved a hydrocodone in him, and when he was settled in on the couch I reminded him again if he was going to fall asleep, take out the gauze pads. Then I left to retrieve the children from my mother.
Seems the surgeon used so much novocaine hubby's tongue didn't come back to him until 11pm, his lips were more like 1 (we're guessing, as he went to bed at 11:30). Today he's doing great, only one hole is hurting and it's the one that was infected so we're not really surprised.
I think he'd be fine on his own tomorrow, but it's a bit late to cancel my vacation day so Oh Darn, I have to have a 4 day weekend. What a shame, no?
I've been slacking on my laundry duties. Most of our stuff is done, the vast majority of the girls stuff is in the dryer (and has been there since about midnight) so I need to take another basket down, put the dryer on a 20 minute touchup, and get back to it. (The touchup is needed because it's still quite cold outside, so the cold seeps in through the dryer vent and not long after the dryer stops, the clothes are FRIGID.)
He's doing great. He hasn't even been complaining, which I somewhat expected. When they first brought me back to the recovery room, just after he woke up, that was a little scary- he was very disoriented, and turns out one of the drugs in the IV is an amnesiac, so he asked the same questions over and over and over. By the time we were leaving the drug store from getting another antibiotic (one tooth was infected), he was himself but also super tired. So we went home, fixed him some noodles and shoved a hydrocodone in him, and when he was settled in on the couch I reminded him again if he was going to fall asleep, take out the gauze pads. Then I left to retrieve the children from my mother.
Seems the surgeon used so much novocaine hubby's tongue didn't come back to him until 11pm, his lips were more like 1 (we're guessing, as he went to bed at 11:30). Today he's doing great, only one hole is hurting and it's the one that was infected so we're not really surprised.
I think he'd be fine on his own tomorrow, but it's a bit late to cancel my vacation day so Oh Darn, I have to have a 4 day weekend. What a shame, no?
I've been slacking on my laundry duties. Most of our stuff is done, the vast majority of the girls stuff is in the dryer (and has been there since about midnight) so I need to take another basket down, put the dryer on a 20 minute touchup, and get back to it. (The touchup is needed because it's still quite cold outside, so the cold seeps in through the dryer vent and not long after the dryer stops, the clothes are FRIGID.)
15 January 2009
Brrr, again
Well, even though it's a lovely 5 degrees outside (Hey, it was 0 up until an hour ago), I'm going to do my best not to complain or whine. Canada and the northern plains have it MUCH MUCH worse.
Instead, I will sit here and babble while trying to ignore Dora going through the alphabet. I very much dislike the music in this episode, but my girls love it for the ABCs and the animals.
I reached an agreement with hubby to wake him at 5pm today, in an attempt for him to have some awake time with us, then catch a little sleep at night before his oral surgery tomorrow morning. While looking for something to make for breakfast today, I noted he has gotten a modest assortment of mushy (no chewing required) foods in preparation. This is excellent, because even though I hate staying in the house all day I have NO PLANS to go anywhere with the girls. We'd be ok with the temperatures, but the roads are still a mess from all the snow yesterday. I only slid a teeny bit, mostly going again after a traffic light or crossing some intersections. I had no problems on uphills, unlike some other cars I saw. I'm still shocked by the fool in a Saturn who honked at me (more at the minivan infront of me) on an uphill - I didn't pay much attention because I was busy watching the minivan's back wheels slide. When we got up the hill and were on level road, the Saturn passed both me and the minivan. I kind of wished he would slide into a mailbox or something, but no karma came after him while I watched.
Instead, I will sit here and babble while trying to ignore Dora going through the alphabet. I very much dislike the music in this episode, but my girls love it for the ABCs and the animals.
I reached an agreement with hubby to wake him at 5pm today, in an attempt for him to have some awake time with us, then catch a little sleep at night before his oral surgery tomorrow morning. While looking for something to make for breakfast today, I noted he has gotten a modest assortment of mushy (no chewing required) foods in preparation. This is excellent, because even though I hate staying in the house all day I have NO PLANS to go anywhere with the girls. We'd be ok with the temperatures, but the roads are still a mess from all the snow yesterday. I only slid a teeny bit, mostly going again after a traffic light or crossing some intersections. I had no problems on uphills, unlike some other cars I saw. I'm still shocked by the fool in a Saturn who honked at me (more at the minivan infront of me) on an uphill - I didn't pay much attention because I was busy watching the minivan's back wheels slide. When we got up the hill and were on level road, the Saturn passed both me and the minivan. I kind of wished he would slide into a mailbox or something, but no karma came after him while I watched.
13 January 2009
Ah, the joys of Ohio. And the jetstream.
I've seen an email go around a few times that is full of "You might be from Ohio if....." jokes. I'm sure there's one for every state, but as I live here this is the one people bother to send me. One of those that has been popping into my head these past few days is "if your idea of a fancy negligee is a flannel nightgown" or something along those lines.
You see, I've had to plan which long underwear I wear on which day this week. As my job requires me to be outdoors occasionally, I tend to wear my longjohns if it's not going to be above 30* degrees. My various pairs have different thermal qualities, and I have carefully avoided wearing the warmest in order to save them for tomorrow, the last day of my work week. It is forecast to be 8 degrees when my girls and I leave the house at 6am.
This is going to suck.
But wait! There's more!
Thursday, the high is expected to be 11. Friday, 5. (The low Friday is expected to be -4.)
When I first saw the Friday forecast, I thought 'Yay! That's an off day. We are not going ANYWHERE.'
3 minutes later I remembered that's the day hubby gets his wisdom teeth removed. So we have to get up, take the girls to grammy's, go get his teeth taken out, then hopefully go home to see how he starts recovering and eventually go retrieve the children.
Note to self- buy more noodles and other mushy, no-chewing-required foods before Friday.
*30 is my mid-December thru February cutoff temperature. It's about 50 for October/November, then eases down. 40 feels like a heat wave until April or so, some years.
You see, I've had to plan which long underwear I wear on which day this week. As my job requires me to be outdoors occasionally, I tend to wear my longjohns if it's not going to be above 30* degrees. My various pairs have different thermal qualities, and I have carefully avoided wearing the warmest in order to save them for tomorrow, the last day of my work week. It is forecast to be 8 degrees when my girls and I leave the house at 6am.
This is going to suck.
But wait! There's more!
Thursday, the high is expected to be 11. Friday, 5. (The low Friday is expected to be -4.)
When I first saw the Friday forecast, I thought 'Yay! That's an off day. We are not going ANYWHERE.'
3 minutes later I remembered that's the day hubby gets his wisdom teeth removed. So we have to get up, take the girls to grammy's, go get his teeth taken out, then hopefully go home to see how he starts recovering and eventually go retrieve the children.
Note to self- buy more noodles and other mushy, no-chewing-required foods before Friday.
*30 is my mid-December thru February cutoff temperature. It's about 50 for October/November, then eases down. 40 feels like a heat wave until April or so, some years.
08 January 2009
22 and still snowing
But at least I don't live in Alaska, right? And the other plus is no new ice has formed, so as long as we're careful on the back steps we're fine.
Had my 6 month eye checkup today (I had LASIK back in July). I can still read at least 20/20, probably 20/15 but we didn't try this time. As expected, I was told to try and do eye drops more often. I get told that every single checkup. But now I don't have to go back until July, and then I should be done. Woohoo!
After the eye thing, we (me, girls, my aunt) went to the Design Center so my aunt could see some of what will be on the inside of our house and so I could choose what color tile for the tub and shower surrounds. I also got to choose a fridge, since hubby decided a black fridge with stainless oven and dishwasher would drive him crazy. I get me one of them fancy 3 door fridges, yay.
hrm.... after browsing online for awhile and now typing some, I've noticed my hands are COLD! I suppose I should quit procrastinating and go wash dishes since that would help warm them. It would also get me moving around a little again, my pedometer reports I've been lazy today. Yes I have, thank you, but it's also because the drive to the eye place is longer each way than the exam takes! Didn't help I wandered back roads to get back down to the design center. I was proud of me for doing it though... only got confused once, and made the right guess then.
Had my 6 month eye checkup today (I had LASIK back in July). I can still read at least 20/20, probably 20/15 but we didn't try this time. As expected, I was told to try and do eye drops more often. I get told that every single checkup. But now I don't have to go back until July, and then I should be done. Woohoo!
After the eye thing, we (me, girls, my aunt) went to the Design Center so my aunt could see some of what will be on the inside of our house and so I could choose what color tile for the tub and shower surrounds. I also got to choose a fridge, since hubby decided a black fridge with stainless oven and dishwasher would drive him crazy. I get me one of them fancy 3 door fridges, yay.
hrm.... after browsing online for awhile and now typing some, I've noticed my hands are COLD! I suppose I should quit procrastinating and go wash dishes since that would help warm them. It would also get me moving around a little again, my pedometer reports I've been lazy today. Yes I have, thank you, but it's also because the drive to the eye place is longer each way than the exam takes! Didn't help I wandered back roads to get back down to the design center. I was proud of me for doing it though... only got confused once, and made the right guess then.
05 January 2009
Little one is sick. Yesterday we were thinking ear infection but today not so sure. No fever right now, not at all, but crying and whining and just complaining about everything without using ANY of the few dozen words she has.
Sissy is alternating between being hypnotized by Backyardigans and telling me it's her turn, Daddy said she could play on her computer after naptime. Now I've done it, she wanted juice and I gave her apple. She wanted Raspberry Lemonade. What a horrible mother I am.
I'm worn out. My dumb self has been staying up too late and so when the alarm goes off I am just not ready to get up. Tonight perhaps I'll do better, it should be easier since NONE of the shows I like on TV are on lately. I've also pretty much finished my browsing of the internets, so as long as I don't think of something else to look at I should be safe for an early bedtime.
Wednesday should be fun at work. I was so frustrated by the lack of anything being done on my off days I sent a griping email to my boss, who shared some of my frustration when he realized all the nonsense my counterpart has been pulling. (Wednesday is the next time the counterpart works.) On the plus side, today they finally fixed the lock on the door to get in. A pushbutton lock was installed a couple months ago, but 10 days ago it quit working. Today the manager was back so everyone could get at the instruction books in his office. Turns out, somebody had WAY too much time on their hands. This unknown person removed the cover from the lock and pushed the reset button, so the code no longer worked. Now we have to learn a new code, and we also need to get it out to all the people who were not in the hangar when the lock was fixed.
Ah, Backyardigans has ended. Sissy just came up "Mommy, are you done yet?"
I suppose I'll hook up her computer and crash on the couch for a half hour before we go wake up Daddy. I can't believe the fussing and then playing hasn't woken him already.
Sissy is alternating between being hypnotized by Backyardigans and telling me it's her turn, Daddy said she could play on her computer after naptime. Now I've done it, she wanted juice and I gave her apple. She wanted Raspberry Lemonade. What a horrible mother I am.
I'm worn out. My dumb self has been staying up too late and so when the alarm goes off I am just not ready to get up. Tonight perhaps I'll do better, it should be easier since NONE of the shows I like on TV are on lately. I've also pretty much finished my browsing of the internets, so as long as I don't think of something else to look at I should be safe for an early bedtime.
Wednesday should be fun at work. I was so frustrated by the lack of anything being done on my off days I sent a griping email to my boss, who shared some of my frustration when he realized all the nonsense my counterpart has been pulling. (Wednesday is the next time the counterpart works.) On the plus side, today they finally fixed the lock on the door to get in. A pushbutton lock was installed a couple months ago, but 10 days ago it quit working. Today the manager was back so everyone could get at the instruction books in his office. Turns out, somebody had WAY too much time on their hands. This unknown person removed the cover from the lock and pushed the reset button, so the code no longer worked. Now we have to learn a new code, and we also need to get it out to all the people who were not in the hangar when the lock was fixed.
Ah, Backyardigans has ended. Sissy just came up "Mommy, are you done yet?"
I suppose I'll hook up her computer and crash on the couch for a half hour before we go wake up Daddy. I can't believe the fussing and then playing hasn't woken him already.
04 January 2009
well that was embarassing
Only to me, I'm sure... First I just had to reset my password for Blogger because I totally blanked on it and I've not needed it til today.
Then, my elder daughter got out her camera and actually got a picture of my face right after I rubbed an irritated spot (which makes my skin go bright red at least an inch around the affected area).
Now she has insisted I turn on the TV so she can take pictures of it. I'm sure when next I download her camera there will be fascinating pictures- I know she got my arm several times, and now she is a good 12 feet away from the tv, so there *may* be a brightly colored blob...
and little one just woke up. huzzah. At least I finished my beer already.
The other plus tonight is I don't have to make dinner- hubby bought a gift card to Olive Garden last night with the plan of using it for dinner tonight. This will however require careful planning as to what shirts our girls wear....
Then, my elder daughter got out her camera and actually got a picture of my face right after I rubbed an irritated spot (which makes my skin go bright red at least an inch around the affected area).
Now she has insisted I turn on the TV so she can take pictures of it. I'm sure when next I download her camera there will be fascinating pictures- I know she got my arm several times, and now she is a good 12 feet away from the tv, so there *may* be a brightly colored blob...
and little one just woke up. huzzah. At least I finished my beer already.
The other plus tonight is I don't have to make dinner- hubby bought a gift card to Olive Garden last night with the plan of using it for dinner tonight. This will however require careful planning as to what shirts our girls wear....
01 January 2009
Yeehaw. I live such an exciting life. I've had like 3 glasses of Cold Duck now (I'm not that fond of normal champagne) so the world is a smidge off kilter. Typing's pretty lousy too, but that may just be enhanced by lack of sleep.
My father arrived for a visit today. First stop was the model home for where we're building to get the 'magic key' and go wander thru an almost done inventory home that is the same model as ours. I think he approved. He sure took alot of pictures, but he's been doing that alot recently, what with the 10 days in France and all. After the house tour, we went to the grocery store for some supplies (lunch stuff for hubby, sparkling grape juice as a gift for my night shift folks at work, the Cold Duck, etc...) then out to my mom's house to get the girls. Mom just got one of those mini-laptops for Christmas, and Dad's on his second one of them, so he was explaining features and tweaking some settings for her. At least my parents are still on good terms.
I have NO idea what we're doing later today after sleep. Poor hubby's going to have to watch the girls a little once he gets home, I bet they get up WAY before I am willing to roll out of bed. I did promise to make french toast in the morning, since the doughnut store was closed when we stopped by on the way home tonight (drat those holiday hours!!). I hope everybody's good with the idea of brunch cause that's what time it will be.
My dear Tribe picked up Mark Derosa (DeRosa?) from the Cubbies to play 3rd base. That should be a good thing. At least they know not to mess with Jhonny and Asdrubal, and I'm sure Victor will get plenty of time at 1st to try and stay more healthy this season. Now they have this MLBtv channel, but our dumb provider hasn't picked it up yet. Only those jerks at TimeWarner have it so far. Once I can type without the backspace again I should complain to WOW!.
urgh. I'm fading fast now. Goodnight, and a Happy New Year!
My father arrived for a visit today. First stop was the model home for where we're building to get the 'magic key' and go wander thru an almost done inventory home that is the same model as ours. I think he approved. He sure took alot of pictures, but he's been doing that alot recently, what with the 10 days in France and all. After the house tour, we went to the grocery store for some supplies (lunch stuff for hubby, sparkling grape juice as a gift for my night shift folks at work, the Cold Duck, etc...) then out to my mom's house to get the girls. Mom just got one of those mini-laptops for Christmas, and Dad's on his second one of them, so he was explaining features and tweaking some settings for her. At least my parents are still on good terms.
I have NO idea what we're doing later today after sleep. Poor hubby's going to have to watch the girls a little once he gets home, I bet they get up WAY before I am willing to roll out of bed. I did promise to make french toast in the morning, since the doughnut store was closed when we stopped by on the way home tonight (drat those holiday hours!!). I hope everybody's good with the idea of brunch cause that's what time it will be.
My dear Tribe picked up Mark Derosa (DeRosa?) from the Cubbies to play 3rd base. That should be a good thing. At least they know not to mess with Jhonny and Asdrubal, and I'm sure Victor will get plenty of time at 1st to try and stay more healthy this season. Now they have this MLBtv channel, but our dumb provider hasn't picked it up yet. Only those jerks at TimeWarner have it so far. Once I can type without the backspace again I should complain to WOW!.
urgh. I'm fading fast now. Goodnight, and a Happy New Year!
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